Luminous Solutions – New Head Office – Carbon Negative Site

Posted by Ross Render

Luminous Solutions – New Head Office – Carbon Negative Site

Over the last 7 years, Luminous Solutions has evolved to be a leading Lighting Consultancy and Distributor to the Commercial Sector in our region, here in Yorkshire.

With this in mind, our consistent drive for sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint, we took the decision to move into our new offices near the Peak District, to which currently has a Carbon Negative Status.

The site has multiple Wind Turbines, Solar PV Systems, Hydro (Water) Turbines, Ground Source Heat pump and various other energy efficient systems, making it one of the only Carbon Negative sites in Yorkshire.

Our business model is to reduce energy for our clients offering sustainable, compliant and efficient Lighting systems, so our new HQ compliments this work ethos.

We ask that all our existing or potential new clients to feel free to call in for a coffee & chat, meet the team.

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